Main Location:

236 East 75th Street, Second floor, New York, NY 10021

Upper Division Classes 2024 - 2025

In the 2024-2025 academic year we are offering the following groups:


8 year olds

In this class children continue to develop literacy skills through the use of leveled libraries, independent writing assignments and read alouds. Children learn how to select books for independent reading based on their interests and reading needs.   In reading conferences, and partner and group talks, children discuss stories they read independently and stories they listen to during read aloud time. Children are exposed to grammar by continuing to practice some main orthography rules they already know as well as learning some new ones. Children write their personal stories and practice using grammar rules they have learnt.

WEDNESDAYS, 3:30 – 6:30 pm 

9 year olds

In this class students work in books clubs. The assigned reading is expected to be done at home independently. Students spend a portion of class discussing the book club book, with focus on character analysis, vocabulary, themes, and historical context where appropriate. Children write a lot in class and their responses are shared with peers. Familiar grammar rules are reinforced and new rules including some basic morphology are taught.

THURSDAYS, 3:30 - 6:30 pm 


10 year olds

In this class students continue to work in books clubs. The assigned reading is expected to be done at home independently. The difficulty of texts is gradually increasing. Students spend a portion of class discussing the book club book, with focus on character analysis, vocabulary, themes, and historical context where appropriate. Children write a lot in class and their responses are shared with peers. Familiar grammar rules are reinforced and new rules including some basic morphology are taught.

THURSDAYS, 3:30 – 6:30 pm 


11 year olds

In this class students continue to work in books clubs. The assigned reading is expected to be done at home independently. Students spend a portion of class discussing the book club book, with focus on character analysis, vocabulary,  themes, and historical context. The difficulty of texts is gradually increasing.  Grammar rules studied in the previous grades are reinforced and students  learn to recognize and correct spelling and stylistic mistakes in their writing. Significant portion of the class is spent on developing analytical skills, debates and peer led discussions to provide opportunities to express different ideas and opinions.  Creative assignments continue to foster critical thinking and language development.

FRIDAYS, 4:00 - 6:30 pm 


12 year olds

In this class students continue to work in books clubs. The assigned reading is expected to be done at home independently. Students spend a portion of class discussing the book club book, with focus on character analysis, vocabulary,  themes, and historical context.  The difficulty of texts is gradually increasing.  This year our reading focuses on literature about adolescence experience. Grammar rules studied in the previous grades are reinforced and students  learn to recognize and correct spelling and stylistic mistakes in their writing. Significant portion of the class is spent on developing analytical skills, debates and peer led discussions to provide opportunities to express different ideas and opinions.  Creative assignments continue to foster critical thinking and language development.

FRIDAYS, 4:00 - 6:30 pm 


13 year olds Book Club 

SATURDAYS, 1:00 - 3:30 pm


14 year olds Book Club